Partner Organizations
InteRed is an NGO specialized in education and gender equality. It has been in existence since 1992 promoting a transformative education that generates active and committed participation in favour of justice, gender equality, and social and environmental sustainability. InteRed works with individuals and organizations from different countries and cultures, especially with those whose rights are most violated: disadvantaged children, women, rural communities, indigenous populations.
InteRed works in 11 countries, including Spain, through its 11 territorial delegations and a broad social base of partners, donors, and volunteers.
- MISSION: We are an NGDO promoted by the Teresian Association that is committed to a transformative education, which generates the active and committed participation of everyone in favour of justice, gender equality and social and environmental sustainability.
- VISION: An organization that promotes educational processes for personal and collective changes in favour of social justice, equity and the care of people and nature, open to the participation and dialogue with groups and individuals from different countries.
- VALUES: We promote and want to live values such as coherence, caring for people and the planet, equity, co-responsibility, participation, solidarity, and transparency in our actions.
CESIE is a European Centre of Studies and Initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily. It was established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the sociologist, activist, and educator Danilo Dolci (1924-1997).
Our mission is to promote educational innovation, participation, and growth.
CESIE’s slogan, the world is only one creature, express the philosophy for which the organisation works: inclusion and equity for all.
CESIE is structured in 6 main units:
- Higher Education and Research:fostering progress, sustainable and responsible research and innovation in Higher Education and Research Systems;
- Rights and Justice:promoting equality, protecting the rights of people, preventing and developing responses to violence and discrimination;
- Adults:upgrading lifelong learning in adult education, boosting innovative practices and developing key competences for adults;
- Migration:developing effective and inclusive approaches for asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants;
- School: improving quality and efficiency in school education;
- Youth: enhancing active citizenship, training, education, and mobility of young people.
EMIGRA is an acronym of the words that define our field of specialization and our discipline: Education, Migrations, Childhood/Youth, Gender, within Anthropological Research in the wider context of the Social Sciences.
The group was born in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology and was officially recognized by the UAB in 2007, the year in which it organized the II International Congress of Ethnography and Education at the UAB. Shortly thereafter, EMIGRA promoted the creation of the Centre d’Estudis i Recerca en Migracions, approved by the Governing Council in 2009, an interdisciplinary and interuniversity UAB-UB research centre, which integrates research staff in the field of migration through groups in Anthropology, Sociology, Law and Education. CER Migracions holds the status of Grup de Recerca Consolidat (SGR2017 1702) of AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya. EMIGRA focuses on 3 lines of research:
- Children and youth in contemporary migrations of globalization.
- Gender, class and multicultural context.
- Public policies and social intervention.
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre founded in 1977, is one of the oldest civil society organizations in Greece, with extensive experience in supporting people through the provision of direct social services and the implementation of social initiatives. Over the last years, the organization has established an international presence, being active today in 7 countries, and operating permanent offices in Athens, Thessaloniki, Brussels, and Skopje.
The organization actively supports individuals and communities by providing direct social services, implementing innovative programs, and offering educational opportunities. During the last 15 years, KMOP has successfully delivered more than 300 impactful initiatives supported by institutional and private donors.
The Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attica (RDPSEA) is the largest Educational Directorate, in terms of number of experts, schools, students and teachers in Greece. Apart from administrative school issues, RDPSEA collaborates with 14 Primary and Secondary Education Directorates, 13 Centres of Educational and Counselling Support, 6 Regional Centres of Educational Planning, 4 Environmental Education Centres and 20 Educational Coordinators of Refugee and Migrants Students. RDPSEA also involves seconded school teachers of various disciplines who are offering their scientific expertise in actions, programmes and projects, nationally and EU-funded, which tackle contemporary issues affecting the whole school community.
RDPSEA pedagogical strategy embraces school entities and stakeholders in its regional area through initiatives which are implemented at research and school level under participatory techniques. Initiatives, among others, include curricular based innovative practices, thematic priorities, inclusion of the disadvantaged, pedagogical and ICT support for schools, professional development and online training support for teachers and student’s skills reinforcement. RDPSEA participates and/or coordinates workshops, seminars and conferences in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, other regional authorities and organisations directly affiliated with the school sector.